Indonesia Mosquitoes : Indonesian government's decision to breed mosquitoes – plan stalled by public opposition

Indonesia Mosquitoes : Indonesian government's decision to breed mosquitoes – plan stalled by public opposition

DoDengue is one of the fecal-borne diseases. A toxic fever caused by dengue virus infection. We all know this information till now. However, Indonesian scientists, who thought to implement the saying that a thorn should eat a thorn, thought to breed new mosquitoes in laboratories that have been genetically modified as an antidote to these mosquitoes.

The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that spread dengue had a bacteria called Wolbachia until now. These bacteria prevent the virus from growing in those mosquitoes. The Indonesian government thought that mosquitoes with such bacteria could be produced in labs through genetic modification and released in areas where dengue is spreading. However, due to opposition and many studies saying that such things are not the case, the government has now abandoned those efforts. 

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia revealed that this project was started to prevent the spread of dengue in Bali and it was stopped only temporarily. It will be implemented only after people are fully aware. Wolbachia is a common bacteria that thrives in 60 percent of insects such as mosquitoes, fruit flies, moths, dragonflies, and butterflies. However, this bacteria is not present in the Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits dengue disease.

The World Mosquito Program, an NGO, hopes to produce better mosquitoes by mating mosquitoes that are carriers of dengue with Wolbachia bacteria in the lab. According to reports, such a pilot program has been created in 12 countries covering 8.6 million people. The study started in 2011 at Gajah Mada University. Reports show that dengue outbreaks have been reduced by up to 77 percent in Wolbachia-treated communities.

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have also revealed that spreading Wolbachia-treated mosquitoes is a good idea to combat dengue. It has been revealed that if this plan, which is still in the experimental stage, is successful, it will stand as a milestone in the prevention of dengue. However, it is warned that these mosquitoes should be implemented only after it is decided that they are completely safe, otherwise it may cause new problems. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed that the prevalence of dengue has increased dramatically in the last ten years, and half of the world's population is at risk. 100-400 million dengue infections are reported every year.

Note: Information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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