Holi Colors : Choose organic colors like this.. Have a healthy Holi

Holi Colors : Choose organic colors like this.. Have a healthy Holi

Organic Colors for Holi : Holi is celebrated as a symbol of the love of Radha-Krishna, as a symbol of the love of Radha-Krishna. One or two.. There are many reasons to celebrate this colorful festival. The methods of celebrating this festival coming from mythology have not changed. How they used to do it then.. they are doing it like that now. But is there any change in it.. it is only chemicals. Previously, chemical free and natural colors were used for Holi..Nowadays, colors full of chemicals are used. We have reached the state of damaging health and environment. That's why experts say that colors full of chemicals should be avoided. Wondering how to play Holi without colors? But you can play Holi with flowers, herbs, other organic materials. Apart from not causing any problem to the skin, their use has many benefits. Otherwise the chemicals increase the allergy.. If it gets into the eyes, one has to face serious problems. 

Alternatives to synthetic colors

The happy thing is.. the awareness among the people on this issue. increases. But what precautions should be taken with colors during this Holi? What are the alternatives to synthetic colors? How to celebrate Holi safely? Now let's talk about how to get rid of the colors if they don't leave. 

Prepare colors like this at home..

For red color you can use beetroot, pomegranate , red sandalwood, red roses, saffron can be used. Beet root is not meant to be thrown away.. you can use its juice as colors. Turmeric, chamomile flowers, saffron water can be used as an alternative to turmeric. Green colors like spinach leaves and gourd powder can be used. Indigo leaves and some types of flowers can be used. Carant juice and citrus fruit juices represent orange. 

Environment friendly too..

These natural colors just make you happy Holi. Apart from providing.. they enhance your beauty. The medicinal properties of these provide good benefits for your skin and hair. There is no harm to the environment even if it falls on the ground. Above all.. these colors can be easily removed. They are also great for kids. There is no problem with their skin. There are no reactions like irritation or allergy. Moreover, their natural aroma will be a stress reliever for you. Organic colors always give a good aroma. It will relax you. 

How to get rid of colors..

You can choose natural holly colors or herbal colors without chemicals. Moreover, they do not affect your hair and skin in any way. If by mistake the chemical colors stick and don't leave their stains.. you can use gram flour or rice flour as a scrub. Also, if oil is applied to the skin before playing Holi.. the colors will leave quickly. 

Health problems with them

The price of organic colors is a bit higher. So many buy synthetic dyes. Apart from the fact that these are cheap, using them will increase the hospital's expenses. Because Ali creates allergies on the skin, causing irritation and rashes. Eye irritation, redness, and temporary blindness. Breathing them can cause respiratory problems. These can lead to long term health problems. 

Due to increasing awareness among people, many consumers are opting for herbal colors. But sometimes they are also adulterated. So smell them before buying them. If the natural aroma does not come from them, keep them aside. You can play Holi by making some colors at home. Doing this will make nature and us happy. 

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