Fools Day: What is the history of Fools Day? Why is April 1 celebrated?

Fools Day: What is the history of Fools Day?  Why is April 1 celebrated?

ALook.. there seems to be something behind you..April fool!! On the 1st of April, similar games are held everywhere. April 1st is celebrated as April Fools Day by many. Not only in homes, schools, offices…Fools Day celebrations are held everywhere. Even in television programs we keep seeing playful pranks. But where did this tradition come from? Why is it celebrated on April 1st? There are some sources about this in the history of ancient Romans.  

The ancient Romans celebrated a festival called Hilaria on March 25. April 1 is a special day to worship Cybele, a Phrygian goddess of nature and fertility. There are many popular Vicitramine stories surrounding this goddess Cybele. Many believe that Fool's Day originated as part of the stories associated with the goddess Cybele. They also had another festival called Veneralias on April 1st exactly. It was dedicated to Venus Veticordia, the Roman goddess of love.

According to an article published by the Associated Press in 1983, April Fools' Day was associated with an emperor named Constantine. As described in the story, the group asks the king to make one of them king one day. A man named Kugel was awarded the Royal Order on April 1. He also makes a rule to behave silly and funny on that day. However, this story did not actually happen. It turns out that it was actually an April Fool's Day prank written by Boston University professor Joseph Boskin to prank Associated Press reporter Fred Bales. However, the real reference to April Fools' Day is hidden in the poem Errands by the Flemish comic writer Eduard de Dene, published on April 1st, 1561. In this poem, a master sends a list of unnecessary tasks to a servant. It is a log of things and works that do not exist on the original earth. The servant realizes that it was all a prank. Since it was written on April 1st, this game of pretending to be something that isn't, with a prank-like concept of doing silly things, has been popular for years. We still use it on our friends and family members. Do you believe this? Let it be true.

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