Digestive problems in winter: Why do digestive problems increase in winter? These are the reasons

Digestive problems in winter: Why do digestive problems increase in winter?  These are the reasons

Digestive problems in winter: Winter season welcomes many diseases. During this period, especially cold, cough, respiratory diseases and digestive problems are also common. Our body contributes slowly to the digestion process. That is why many people face digestive problems during this period. Moreover, it is very dull in winter. Too lazy to wake up. Avoid walking after meals and exercising in the morning. These cause digestive problems to increase. 

In winter, metabolism slows down in many people. This gradually makes it challenging to have bowel movements. As a result, medical experts say that stomach problems are troublesome. Constipation is troublesome during this period. Many people take antibiotics because of respiratory infections. It causes diarrhea in 30 percent of people. Doctors say that norovirus mainly causes gastroenteritis in winter.

This problem is mostly seen in employees. Generally many people consume more fatty foods in winter. This leads to indigestion and acid reflux problems. Excessive consumption of alcohol during winters can lead to liver diseases as well as increase in arthritis and inflammatory related symptoms. A lot of precautions should be taken to avoid these symptoms in winter. Mainly eating on time, drinking more fluids, ensuring that there is more fiber and staying away from fatty foods at night can reduce digestive problems. 

1. Consuming a lot of junk food:

In this season‌, people like to enjoy large quantities of delicious food. However, junk food not only slows down your digestion but also causes problems like bloating. It can harm your digestive health. Junk food has more flavor. Lack of essential nutrients. This leads to intestinal disease. Along with junk food, processed food should also be avoided.

Instead, eat cooked vegetables, whole grains, pulses, fresh fruits and seeds. Also stay away from spicy food. Because it causes heartburn and stomach ache. Remember to have enough food on your plate, as eating too much can cause digestive problems.

2. Not drinking enough water:

Water intake is reduced as temperatures drop. It is necessary to drink enough water every day to get rid of all the toxins in the body. Due to the lack of water in the body, the intestines have trouble digesting food and cause constipation. So, try to drink enough fluids to avoid digestive problems during winter.

3. Carbonated Drinks:

As soon as the cold season starts, take things like soda, soft drinks like coffee or fruit juices. Avoid drinks like soda. Such drinks can also damage the health of your teeth.

4. Stress:

The cold air of winter can sometimes stress our body, especially the digestive system. They cause cramps, bloating, and hunger. Therefore, it is important to do other exercises like yoga, meditation or walking, any other physical activity, which keeps you away from stress.

5. Lack of sleep:

Good sleep works like medicine. It can solve many problems. Lack of sleep increases stress levels. It is not good for intestinal health. Better sleep means better stress management.

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Note: The information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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