Date and Walnut Cake Recipe : Tasty, healthy cake.. No sugar, no egg is its specialty.. The recipe is very simple.

Date and Walnut Cake Recipe : Tasty, healthy cake.. No sugar, no egg is its specialty.. The recipe is very simple.

Eggless Cake Recipe: Here is a cake recipe that can be made by vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Almost all cakes use egg. But now we make the dates and walnut cake without the original gudde. No sugar is used in it. Maida has no chance to actually lay the ground. Don't put all these things and you think it is very difficult to make.. You can prepare this tasty tasty cake very easily. This recipe is very simple and easy compared to almost all cakes. How to make this cake why delay? Now let's know what are the required ingredients.

Ingredients required

Dates – 25

Milk – one and half cups

Wheat flour – 1 cup

Vegetable oil – half cup

Baking powder – half spoon

Baking soda – 1 spoon

Walnuts – ½ cup

Preparation Method

Start the process an hour before you want to make the cake. First light the stove and heat the milk. After they become puffy, they should be boiled a little and the stove should be stopped. Meanwhile, cut the dates in half and remove the seeds. Put the prepared dates in hot milk and soak them for an hour. By doing this, the dates will go very smoothly. After soaking the dates for an hour, add them along with milk in a mixer jar and make a soft paste. The softer the better. 

Take the prepared date paste in a bowl. Add vegetable oil to it and mix well. Now take another bowl and add wheat flour, baking powder and baking soda in it and mix well. After the flour is mixed well, add the date mixture and mix well. The better the batter, the better the cake. Transfer the prepared mixture to the cake tin. Transfer this mixture into a 6 inch tin if you are taking the same measurements. Butter the tin before transferring. Or put butter paper on the bottom. Garnish the top of the cake with grated walnuts. 

Bake it in the oven at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. You can check whether the cake is ready or not by using a toothpick. If you poke a toothpick into the cake and it comes out without sticking, then the cake is ready. If the cake mixture sticks to the toothpick, it means that it needs to be baked a little longer. Your Dates-Walnut Cake is ready while hot. Everyone from adults to children can eat it comfortably. Moreover, it is eggless, sugarless, maidaless cake. So this cake is a very good choice for vegetarians as well. If you see the taste of it, you will eat it. Its taste is so delicious. Children also love to eat it.

We use only healthy foods in this cake, so even those with health problems can eat it comfortably. You will be a healthy cake maker for kids too. Diabetics can also eat it. But it is better to take it in small doses. And why delay any more when there is a cake recipe that can be easily pulled together, try it once and make it for them at home.

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