Christmas Tree: Why do you put that tree on Christmas day? How did that tradition begin?

Christmas Tree: Why do you put that tree on Christmas day?  How did that tradition begin?

When Christmas comes, everyone should have a star and a tree in their house. It is a centuries-old tradition for Christians to set up a Christmas tree in their homes. This Christmas tree is considered to be a symbol of the soul. On the first birthday of Jesus Christ, it is customary to give gifts to him under a tree like this.

These are Christmas Trees

Until the 19th century, Christmas trees were traditionally green trees in Germany, Rome, and America. Since the 19th century in Germany, Christmas trees lit with candles have started to be installed. There are many interesting facts about this subject from ancient times to today's Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center in New York. who paid more attention to Modern people are decorating their houses with pine, spruce and fir trees. Branches of trees were hung on the windowsills and windows. It is their belief that these green trees, which are always green, drive away evil spirits and ghosts. 21st and 22nd of December will have long night and short day. At that time it was believed that every year the sun fell ill and lost its power to bring winter. It was believed that after the solstice the sun regains its power and these green plants stand as a sign of his strength. They worshiped the god. The blazing sun was a crown on his head. ‘Raw’ Palm tree branches are kept in houses as a sign of recovery from illness. It is considered to be a symbol of the victory of life over death.

Even the Romans..

The Romans celebrated the festival called Saturnalia. It is a festival to Saturn, who is considered to be the god of agriculture. They celebrate this festival with the belief that soon after the sunrise, the fields and gardens will turn green again. Even in Buddhism there is a tradition of decorating the house with green branches.

The tradition of decorating places of worship with branches of trees continues as a symbol of eternal life under the leadership of ancient Celt priests called Druids from UK. The intention behind this is to consider the philosophy of green plants as a gift from Lord Surya.

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