Christmas Special Cake Recipe : Christmas Special Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cake.. This is the tasty recipe

Christmas Special Cake Recipe : Christmas Special Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cake.. This is the tasty recipe

Christmas Cake Recipe : Christmas Cake has a special feeling. That's why many hotels invite celebrities for cake mixing and increase the Christmas vibes. Also, cakes are cut in many homes. Not only Christmas.. There is a good demand for cakes in New Year as well. But those who don't like to get outside cakes can make a tasty cake at home.
Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Cake. Just hearing the name makes your mouth water. As cakes are delicious.. Dark chocolate cake is more delicious. This taste is doubled if the hazelnut is crunchy in the mouth. More than chocolate.. dark chocolate is also very good for health. Treat yourself this Christmas with this special tasty cake recipe. How to make it? Now let's know what are the required ingredients. 

Ingredients required

Dark chocolate – 85 grams

Butter – 85 grams

Wheat flour – 1 tbsp

Salt – pinch

Eggs – 2

Sugar – 75 grams

Vanilla essence – Half spoon

Hazelnuts – 3 tablespoons

For topping

Sugar – 200 grams

Water – 120 ml

Hazelnuts – 100 grams


Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare a six inch cake tin with butter. Now melt chocolate and butter in a double boiler. Keep this mixture aside. Now add salt to the flour and mix it.. sieve it and keep it aside. Now take the yolk of the cloth and add sugar to it.. Add vanilla essence and mix well. Stir it until it becomes creamy. 

Now take another bowl and add the egg white to it and mix well. Add remaining sugar to it and mix. You have to keep mixing until it thickens. Now mix the prepared flour mixture with hazelnuts and chocolate mixture and mix it with vanilla essence. Keep mixing until all the ingredients are well mixed. Put this mixture in the prepared cake tin and bake it for half an hour. After the cake is cooked, take it out of the oven.. demold it. 

Now light the stove and put a bowl. Add sugar to it and let it dissolve. Add the roasted hazelnuts as it starts to brown. After they turn golden brown, apply the topping layer on the demolded cake. That's it tasty, tasty dark chocolate hazelnut cake is ready. Why not celebrate your Christmas with this cake. 

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