Black Day 2024 : They are the true lovers.. Their love is immortal and universal

Black Day 2024 : They are the true lovers.. Their love is immortal and universal

Pulwama Terror Attack Anniversary : It is said that there is no greater love in the world than mother's love. Is there any love equal to that of a mother? If you think it won't exist.. don't think at all. Because the greatest love beyond mother's love belongs to the country's soldiers. In the love of a mother, her children want to be good. There is selfishness in the love of soldiers. Their country should be good.. They have such a great heart that they can even risk their lives for the people of their country. They have such a great love. 

Black Day is being held on February 14 every year from 2019 to commemorate the CRPF members who bravely laid down their lives in the Pulwama terror attack. The deadliest attack on Indian security forces took place on Valentine's Day. 40 members lost their lives in this incident. The incident took place when a suicide bomber belonging to Jaish-e-Mohammed came upon a Central Reserve Police Force convoy with an explosives-laden vehicle.

Details of the incident.. 

Forty CRPF members are traveling in two buses in Jammu and Kashmir. A suicide attack was targeted at them. JEM released a video shortly after the attack. They declared themselves responsible for this attack. The suicide bomber was identified as Adil Ahmed Dar. He was found to be a terrorist living in Gundibagh Kakapora in South Kashmir's Pulwama district. 

Freedom for security forces..

JM leader Masood to carry out attacks in India. On February 15, 2019, the Pakistani terrorist organization said that Azhar had been granted full freedom. However, Pakistan has denied Indian allegations of its involvement in the Pulwama attack. India also reacted strongly to this matter. Those responsible must pay a heavy price.. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. It has been revealed that the security forces will be freed to face the terrorists. 

Customs duty on Pakistani goods has been increased to 200 percent. At least seven people have been detained from Pulwama for allegedly having links with JM. With this attack, relations between India and Pakistan deteriorated. Due to this, Pakistan has backed down a bit.. It has promised to work with India to identify those responsible for this heinous attack. 

Revenge Dr..

On February 26, 2019, Indian Air Force jets bombed a JEM camp in Balakot, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This is the first time since 1971 Indo-Pakistan war that an attack aircraft has crossed the Line of Control. An operation was conducted to drop 1,000 kg bombs along the Line of Control on Jaish-e-Mohammed camps in Pakistan. JM camp in Balakot sector of Pakistan was completely destroyed as a result of the operation.

Also Read : Condoms also have a day.. Do you know why it is celebrated on the day before Valentine's Day?

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