Best Places to Visit in Thailand : Planning vacations during Sankranti holidays? Go to Thailand, no visa required!

Best Places to Visit in Thailand : Planning vacations during Sankranti holidays?  Go to Thailand, no visa required!

Best Places to Visit in Thailand: Sankranti holidays are coming. And, want to enjoy the festival in town? Or planning a family vacation? However.. who do you think goes on vacations during the festival? If you are thinking of spending these holidays for a vacation, then don't miss this opportunity at all. Because.. Thailand has told a good news to our Indians. It has announced that visa and passport are not required to visit their country. This opportunity is only available till 10th May this year. Even if you can't make it now, you can still plan for summer vacation. If you book from now, tickets will also be available at a low price.

Let's go to Thailand. What are the places to visit there? Are you thinking? Here are the details for you.

Thailand Tourism Authority Governor Tapani Kiafoible recently revealed that Indians will be allowed to visit Thailand without any visa until May 10 this year. This opportunity is also provided to tourists from Kazakhstan and China. However, only three months were given to the respective countries. The Indians were specifically given six months. As part of Thailand's no visa policy, Indians can visit Thailand for 30 days.


Most travelers to Thailand go to Bangkok. Last year, more tourists went to Bangkok than any other city in the world. Here markets, beaches, popular parks and launching pad attract tourists. All these places can be covered if you spend at least two days here. You can taste various dishes in Thai restaurants. Food is available 24 hours a day. Four of the list of Asia's 50 best bars are in Bangkok. Bangkok is the best option if you want to tour alone or with friends.

Chiang Mai:

Chiang Mai area has more than 300 temples. Doi Suthep is home to some tribal people. Wat Phra Singh, abode of the Lion Buddha Engages visitors. The golden stupas here, glittering in the sunlight, dazzle the tourists. Not only temples.. there are many more places to see here. There are many more beautiful mountains, caves and waterfalls in Chiang Mai. It would take at least three days to see them all. From late February to early April, farmers in Chiang Mai set fires before planting crops. So, that time is not so good. Only go there in the month of January.


It is the largest island in Thailand‌ Phuket has a completely different culture from the rest of the country. Hokkien Chinese, Thai Malaysian culture of three countries is seen here. Phuket is the best choice for honeymoon couples. 

The Far North: 

It is known as the Golden Triangle. The northern tip of Thailand. It is where Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet. The area can be accessed by motorcycle, mountain bike or just walking. The natural beauty here is mind-blowing.

The Upper Gulf:

Situated south of Bangkok, this area is easily accessible from the capital. Here you can find some of the most famous floating markets in Thailand. Moreover.. the famous Make Long Railway Market is also located here. There is a market here on the railway tracks. Businesses remove their products from the tracks before the train arrives. You will also see these videos on social media.

Khao Yai National Park:

Khao Yai National Park is the third largest park in Thailand. It can be reached here in 2.5 hours from Bangkok. It is a good choice for those who want to go with family. Many wild animals including monkeys, leopards, bears and elephants can be seen here. 

Koh Samui:

The beaches in Koh Samui keep tourists hooked. Ang Thong National Park, Na Muang Waterfalls, Silver Beach are places to visit here.

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