Aging in Women: This is the reason why women become old quickly.. this is what the latest study says

Aging in Women: This is the reason why women become old quickly.. this is what the latest study says

Biological Aging in Women : Pregnancy is a wonderful time in every woman's life. After becoming a mother, there are many mothers who devote their lives to their children. But a recent study says that this pregnancy is accelerating biological aging in women. Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health scientists in New York studied this topic. In this study, they found surprising things. The research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

Increasing effect of aging on number of pregnancies

Among women of the same age Scientists have revealed that biologically pregnant women look older than those who are not pregnant. He said that its effect increases with the number of pregnancies. It means that as the number of children increases, the effect of age becomes evident. The study said that there is no such biological aging in men. For this study they investigated about 1735 people. In the long run, reproduction and DNA samples were taken from them and researched. A health survey continued on how pregnancy affects the aging process. Using six different epigenetic clocks from them, biological age was calculated. Samples are collected through a process called DNA methylation. Biological age was estimated. 

Long-term research

In this study, scientists found that each pregnancy of each woman was associated with an additional two to three months of biological aging. During the six-year follow-up period, pregnant women showed a greater increase in biological age. An associate research scientist at the Columbia Aging Center said some interesting things on this topic. It has been revealed that pregnancy accelerates biological aging. These effects are most pronounced in young, high-fertility women. He said that these have an effect on old age. However, these effects are more pronounced in teenage pregnancies. Lack of health care and proper resources also have an impact, they say. Scientists say more needs to be learned about the role of pregnancy and other aspects of reproduction in the aging process. But sociologists say that this is not a big problem for women who bring their children to earth at the risk of their lives. It is also said that proper food, diet and being mentally healthy during pregnancy can keep away these aging shadows. 

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