Bihar Shikshak Niyukti: Teachers of all subjects will be posted in upgraded high schools.

Bihar Shikshak Niyukti: Teachers of all subjects will be posted in upgraded high schools.

Bihar Shikshak Bharti: Even if there is not a single enrollment of students in the newly upgraded secondary schools, teachers of all subjects will be posted there. Provided that number of teachers have been selected by Bihar Public Service Commission in that district. So that, students are motivated to enroll in that school. There will be publicity for enrollment in such schools. Even after this, if not a single student is enrolled by September 30, 2024, then the education department will consider closing that school. In this regard, Additional Chief Secretary of the department KK Pathak has given instructions to all the District Magistrates.

Shri Pathak has said in a letter to the District Magistrates that the districts are feeling hesitant in sending the proposal for posting of new teachers in the newly upgraded secondary schools where enrollment is less than 100. Keeping this in view, the department has issued this order. He has said that the selected 55 thousand teachers are contributing in secondary and higher secondary. We have to note that if there is even a single student enrolled in a school from class 9th to 12th, then five-seven teachers have to be compulsorily posted there to teach him. So that, he can be given fundamental knowledge of related subjects. From the experience gained, it has been found that students were not enrolled in any school because there were no teachers there. Don't wait for students to arrive at school. Because students are also waiting for teachers to come to school. This entire system is stuck in a vicious cycle where both the education department and the students are waiting for each other. To break this cycle, you are authorized to post teachers in a school even if there is not a single student in it.

Gram Sabha will be held in villages for nomination
Pathak has told the District Magistrates that we have to keep in mind that our work does not end with the posting of teachers in such schools. By organizing Gram Sabha in every village, everyone will have to be told that the new secondary school which has been established in their Panchayat headquarters, has teachers selected from Bihar Public Service Commission. It will be intensively publicized till September 30, 2024. Shri Pathak has said that you will agree that if the teachers were posted in these newly upgraded secondary schools in the year 2013 itself, then it would not have happened that the enrollment of students there remained negligible. There would have been a lot of enrollment in ten years. Therefore, soon send recommendations for posting of teachers in such schools also. Until enrollment increases from 9th to 12th, teachers will teach middle school students.

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