Anushka sharma breakfast for weight loss: Anushka sharma eats overnight oats with chia seeds in breakfast

Anushka Sharma is one of the fittest actresses of Bollywood. She understands the importance of eating right and clean. Not only this, he also knows how to balance his meal very well. Although Anushka is very fond of food and drink, but to keep herself in shape, she often prefers ‘Ghar Ka Khana’. According to him, home food is full of carbs and proteins along with all the necessary fats. That’s why she advises her fans to do the same. In an interview, the 33-year-old actress said that she believes in the mantra of ‘you are what you eat’. Let us tell you that she often shares glimpses of her diet and workout routine on her Instagram page, which inspires her followers to stay fit.

She shared a story on her Instagram page, in which she was enjoying a healthy and tasty breakfast. This combination of fruits, nut milk and chia seeds in a glass jar tastes delicious. This is a kind of healthy smoothie, which helps them a lot in achieving their fitness goals. So let’s know about this favorite breakfast of Anushka Sharma, which you can also try.
(Photo Credits: Instagram@anushkasharma)

Overnight Oats Breakfast with Chia Seeds

Anushka has morning breakfast The caption of ‘Breakfast in a Jar’ is given. The combination of fruit, nut milk and chia seeds in a glass jar looks beautiful. This snack is super easy to make for people trying to lose weight and eat healthy. Eating chia and oats in a breakfast full of healthy ingredients keeps your stomach full for a long time and keeps you away from eating anything unhealthy. Due to which your weight does not increase.

Eating these 6 things together in breakfast reduces weight fast, definitely try

why breakfast is important

A healthy breakfast not only keeps you fit but also helps in controlling blood sugar level. The good thing is that you can add some new options to your breakfast every now and then. Soaking oats overnight makes it easier to break down the starch and provide a good amount of nutrients.

Ingredients of Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds

  • 2/3 – Rolled Oats
  • 2 tsp- chia seeds
  • 1 cup- milk
  • 2 tsp – honey
  • Handful of dry fruits and seeds of your choice

how to make

Take a mason jar. in that rolled oats And add chia seeds. Now add milk and mix all the ingredients together. Cover the jar and shake well. Keep the jar in the fridge overnight. In the morning, add some dry fruits, seeds, dry fruits and pieces of fresh fruit and honey on it and mix it well. If needed, you can add a little more milk to it. If you want, you can make it healthier by adding a spoonful of vanilla extract, avoiding honey to enhance the taste.

How is this breakfast of Anushka beneficial?

Anushka’s Oats and Chia Seeds Snack is made with all the health ingredients that essential to lose weight and stay fit Huh. Chia seeds and oats are both rich in protein. It is a macronutrient that is essential for building muscle and repairing tissue after a workout session. All of them are rich in fiber, so they keep you feeling full for a longer period of time and keep you from eating anything unhealthy in between meals.

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Nuts and seeds prevent constipation

Milk contains vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and D. These are yours strengthen bones Helps to build muscle, boost metabolism and keep the stomach full after a meal. If you want, you can add milk of your choice such as whole milk, low-fat milk, almond milk or soy milk. Nuts and seeds add crunch to the dish as well as enhance the taste. All of them are packed with a variety of nutrients, so they are good for improving the functioning of your internal organs. Let us tell you that the presence of fiber in dry fruits increases satiety and also prevents constipation.

If you want to stay fit no breakfast option If you are looking for breakfast, then you must try this breakfast by Anushka Sharma. This is the perfect breakfast for people who are busy in the morning. You can keep all the ingredients in a jar overnight and eat dry fruits in it in the morning. Just keep in mind the amount of honey and nuts in it.


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