iOS 15 Feature Weather App in Apple iPhone: Apple users have come to this cool feature for your iPhone, how to use – apple iphone users get this cool rain feature in weather app check how to use

Apple NS iOS 15 The iPhone has brought many changes and improvements. Many changes have been made in it, one of the features is that it has a Weather App which shows maps related to rain. This feature may not have gone unnoticed by most of the users. However, it is not a popular feature to be seen.

This is extremely useful for those who like to travel or have a job that requires commuting. According to a New York Post report, Apple bought the Dark Sky weather app last year and Rain Map was one of the most popular features of that app.

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How to use Rain Map on Weather App
1) The updated Weather app works only on iOS 15 or newer versions. This app will be available for every Apple device that comes with this new version. iPhone comes with. To use this service, all you have to do is tap on the Weather app on your device.

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2) Then tap on the map icon at the bottom left. Then tap on the three small squares on the top right. Then you have to choose a weather filter.

3) After this select Rain and this process will be completed. The Weather app will now show you a map along with the rain forecast. Rain levels will be color-coded indicating how much rain is expected.

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4) You have to navigate through the left or right bar to adjust the time. In this check whether it will rain in your area in the coming time. This will help you to be prepared in advance.

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5) Apart from this, Weather app will also show other details like heat map and air quality along with rain map.

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