UPI Update: Payment will be done through UPI even without scanning, new feature is coming soon, know who will get the facility and how will it work?

UPI Update: Payment will be done through UPI even without scanning, new feature is coming soon, know who will get the facility and how will it work?

UPI has become a part of people's everyday life. From small purchases to big payments, people have started using UPI. This has not only reduced people's dependence on cash, but has also made the payment process very simple. Now a new feature is going to come soon in UPI, which will eliminate the need to scan or enter the number to make payment.

The facility will be available on all these apps

Business According to a report by Standard, UPI users may soon get the benefit of Tap and Pay feature. To make payment in this, the user will not have to scan the UPI QR code, nor will they need mobile number, bank account number or UPI ID. All those users who are currently using Bhim, ZeePay, Paytm, PhonePe or any other UPI app will be able to take advantage of this.

It may start from January 31

Report According to this, this feature can be started from January 31 next year. UPI Tap and Pay was launched in September 2023, but it has not been made live for all users yet. This feature is being brought as an additional method of UPI payment, like the already available options like Scan and Pay or Pay to Contacts.

Such people will not get the benefit

< p>Not all users will be able to take advantage of this feature. UPI Tap and Pay feature will be available by default on all UPI apps, but this feature will support only those devices which have NFC facility. Under this, to make payment, just like you scan the QR code of the receiver, you will just have to tap your device on the receiver's device. By doing this, the receiver's UPI ID will automatically be fetched and then you will be able to make the payment.

In this way ‘Tap and Pay’ Payment from:

  1. Open your UPI app.
  2. Click on the Tap and Pay icon.< /li>
  3. Enter the amount.
  4. Tap your device on the receiver device.
  5. Enter the PIN when asked and enter.

Once you do this, the payment will be successful. It will work in the same way as Scan and Pay does now. The only difference is that scan and pay requires scanning, tap and pay requires tapping. The system of limit of UPI payment will remain the same as before.

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