Jobs Layoff: Take 9 months salary and leave the job, big company gives unique offer

Jobs Layoff: Take 9 months salary and leave the job, big company gives unique offer

Interesting Offer: Generally, private companies give one to three months' notice or salary when fired. But, global management consultancy company McKinsey has decided to give some different offer to its employees in exchange for leaving their jobs. McKinsey has announced that it will help its senior executives for 9 months to find new jobs. During this period they will continue to receive salaries. They will not be included in any client project. Besides, all these employees will also be able to use office hours to search for new jobs. 

Salary, incentives and opportunities to search for jobs will be given

According to The Times report, McKinsey is going to fire hundreds of senior employees. All these employees will be given 9 months salary and no work pressure will be put on them. During this period, instead of leaving the job, they will be given incentives and opportunities to look for a job. These employees working in Britain will be given this unique opportunity for full 9 months. The company has named this process as job search period. He will be able to use all the resources of McKinsey and will also be able to take career coaching services. However, the company has made it clear that those who are not able to get a job even in these 9 months will have to leave the job. No concession will be given to them in this.

Retrenchment of 1400 employees was announced 

According to the report, McKinsey wants to manage its workforce keeping in mind the changing needs of the business. In the year 2023, the company had announced that it would lay off about 1400 employees. According to Bloomberg report, this figure is about 3 percent of its total workforce. Last month, during the appraisal process, the company had instructed about 3000 employees to either improve their performance or leave the job. Recently a McKinsey employee committed suicide due to heavy work pressure. This matter came under great discussion.

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