DPD Chatbot: AI embarrassed the company, the chatbot called itself useless and nonsense

DPD Chatbot: AI embarrassed the company, the chatbot called itself useless and nonsense

Delivery Firm DPD: The whole world is ready to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI). But the world is also worried about the problems it may cause. Over-dependence on technology sometimes gets you into trouble. Global delivery firm DPD has become the victim of a similar embarrassment. The company's AI based chatbot started talking nonsense to the customers. Also, the chatbot had described itself and the company as useless. After this, DPD had to close it down after the controversy on social media. The parcel delivery company was using this AI chatbot to answer customer questions. 

Customer service handed over to AI robot

According to The Guardian report, musician Ashley Beauchamp was trying to locate his missing parcel. During this, he was shocked to see the responses of DPD chatbot. After this, Beauchamp posted on social media platform X that parcel delivery firm DPD has handed over its customer service to an AI robot. It is not completely capable of answering any question. Puzzled, he tried to find out what else it could do. After this the problem increased further. 

Chatbot used abusive language

Beauchamp asked the chatbot to tell jokes and write poetry criticizing the company. After this the chatbot started using abusive language. He also described himself as a useless chatbot. Also said that it is a useless chatbot, which is not capable of helping them. This post of Beauchamp has received more than 8 lakh views in 24 hours. He wrote on X that this is a useless chatbot. He even wrote a poem calling the company nonsense.  

The company said that the error occurred due to the update  

DPD uses AI as well as employees to respond to online chats. The company said that the reason for this behavior of AI chatbot is a new update. We have ended this update. It is being updated again. Beauchamp said that his conversation with the chatbot was fun though. But, this is also a serious problem. These chatbots are there to make our lives better and easier. However, these mostly fail to solve our problems. It is a disappointing experience. DPD said it is in contact with Beauchamp and is working to resolve his issue as soon as possible.

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