Learn very easy way to calculate percentage in mobile

Today, whenever you go out of the house for some shopping, you would often have to refer to the percentage. For example, there is 20 percent off in a clothes shop, 50 percent off is being given in a mall, etc. Everywhere now a strategy is being made regarding the percentage only. In such a situation, it is necessary that even if you forget all the maths of childhood, but never forget to add, subtract and calculate the percentage. Because if you are forgetting this, then you can get harmed and cheated anywhere. You can easily do addition and subtraction on your fingers but you definitely get stuck in percentage. But keep in mind that you always have your mobile with you, so you can calculate the percentage in just a few clicks. Calculator app is pre-installed in your mobile or computer, in this case this app will help you a lot. Come, today I am telling you how to extract percentage from mobile or computer. Finding percentage is not a difficult task, it takes a small mathematical formula, just by that you will get this work easier. So let’s tell how to calculate percentage on mobile and computer.

how to calculate percentage

The method of calculating percentage is very easy. In this, you have to multiply the number you got by 100 and divide it by the total number. Like suppose there is an exam of 900 marks and a student got 550 marks in it and you want to know what is the percentage?

For this it is clear that multiply the marks obtained by 100 and divide by the total marks. The marks obtained is 550. We will multiply it by 100 and if the total score was 900 then we will divide by it. Also read: How to book Confirm Train Ticket Online: The tension of getting a confirmed ticket is over! In this way you will get confirmed seat in every train

step 1 : For this, open the calculator app in your mobile.
Step 2: First write 550 in it and then press the multiplication sign in it and write 100.
Step 3: Then put the division mark and write 900.

Although its answer will come below, but if you want, you can see the answer clearly by pressing the equal sign. That is, he got a total of 61.11 percent or percent marks. Let me tell you that when you calculate the percentage, it will seem even easier. Read this also: Aadhaar Number Se Aadhaar Card Download: Download Aadhaar card in one minute from Aadhaar number

How to withdraw percentage in cashback

It is often said during the purchase of mobile that cashback of 5 percent or 10 percent will be available. Here we already know the percentage. In such a situation, we now have to find out the total offer received. This method is even easier.

For example, if you bought a mobile worth Rs 23,999 and want to get 10 percent cashback on it, then the method will change. Read this also: How to create PDF? 3 very easy tricks to make PDF from mobile


step 1 : First of all you have to write the total amount here.
Step 2: Then put the multiplication sign and write the percentage number and divide it by 100.
Step 3: Here the price of the phone is Rs 23,999 and the cashback available is 10 percent.

In this case, first of all you will write 23,999 on your mobile calculator and then press the multiplication sign. After this, after writing 10, press the division symbol. After this, write 100 and then press the equal button. With this, the correct answer will come on your phone. You will be able to see that Rs 2,399.90 i.e. Rs 2,399 plus 90 paise will be given to you as cashback.

So friends, you have seen how easy it is to calculate the percentage. So anytime you want to find out the percentage of something, you can easily try this trick on your phone.

easy way to calculate percentage

The method of calculating the percentage which we have seen above is basic. With that you can understand the percentage. But there will be a question in your mind that all calculators including mobile and computer have a separate percentage button, what is its use. So let me tell you that if you want to calculate percentage in a fast way then you can use it.


Like let’s say you have to withdraw 12% of 550 then for this first of all
Step 1: Enter 550 in your mobile calculator.
Step 2: After that you have to put the multiplication sign and then write 12.
Step 3: After this, as soon as you click on the percentage button, the answer will be on your screen.

You will be able to see that 66 will be written below that means 12% of 550 will be 66 marks. If you wish, you will be able to see it on the screen by pressing the OK button given on the calculator.

On the other hand, if you want to know that a child has got 550 marks out of 900 and you want to know his marks in percentage or percentage, then there is an easy way for that too. For this, on your mobile calculator, you have to…


Step 1: First of all, the marks that the child has got are to be written. That is, write 550.
Step 2: After this you have to press the divide button and type 900 which is the total number.
Step 3: After this you have to press the percentage button. As soon as you press it, the answer will be on your screen.

In this way you can easily calculate the percentage. Here you can see that if the child scores 550 marks out of 900, then he has scored a total of 61.1 marks in percentage.


Why is percentage important?

The first question comes that why it is important to know the percentage. So let me tell you that the result of any class, any data, cashback received on credit or debit card on purchasing goods from the market, bank loan, bank interest and increase in price is in percentage. In such a situation, it is important that you know about the percentage very well.

what is percentage

In mathematics, percentage means a number or a ratio which is expressed as a fraction of 100. That is, whatever the number may be in it, but we will evaluate it as 100. You can express this with the % symbol.

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